China DTS709 Manufacturer le thepa | Dongtai

TAIAN DONGTAI Machine etsa thepa CO., LIMITED

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morao-rao disele ente oona tsamaisong testing.It tiisa boemo bo phahameng ba reproductivity tsa lekantsoeng boleng DTS709COMMON seporo Test bencheng ke litsebi teko bencheng eo e sebediswa bakeng sa ho leka oona tsamaisong seporo tse tloaelehileng, e ka qeta tse phahameng-khatello ea tsamaiso e khopo seporo tloaelehile hore batho ba tshebetso teko. DTS709 le inverter sebetsa hantle ho feta. Mosebetsi 1.Test injector Brands: Bosch, Siemens, DELPHI, DENSO. 2. Test sengoathoana 1 of injector. 3. Teko ea pele ho ente ea seporo injector tloaelehileng. 4. Test max. oli palo ya ...

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morao-rao disele ente oona tsamaisong testing.It tiisa boemo bo phahameng ba reproductivity tsa lekantsoeng boleng
DTS709COMMON seporo Test bencheng ke litsebi teko bencheng eo e sebediswa bakeng sa ho leka oona tsamaisong seporo tse tloaelehileng, e ka qeta tse phahameng-khatello ea tsamaiso e khopo seporo tloaelehile hore batho ba tshebetso teko. DTS709 le inverter sebetsa hantle ho feta.

1.Test injector Brands: Bosch, Siemens, DELPHI, DENSO.
2. Test sengoathoana 1 of injector.
3. Teko ea pele ho ente ea seporo injector tloaelehileng.
4. Test max. oli palo ea seporo injector tloaelehileng.
5. Test oli cranking palo ea seporo injector tloaelehileng.
6. Test morao phallo oli palo ea seporo injector tloaelehileng.
7.Test karolelano oli palo ea seporo injector tloaelehileng.
8. Test tshebetso tiiso ea seporo injector tloaelehileng.
Data 9. ka batlile le pholosoa.

Technical paramethara
1. pulse length bophara: 0,1 ~ 20ms
2. tsoelang pele ente makhetlo a: 0 ~ 1000
mocheso 3. Fuel: 40 ± 2 ℃
4. terene se phahameng khatello ea: 0 ~ 1600 bareng
5. oli Test e tlhotliloeng sebetsa ka ho nepahetseng: 5μ

6. Keletso matla: 380V / 50hz / 3phase kapa 220V / 60hz / 3phase
7. chenchana lebelo: 0 ~ 3000RPM


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